zlatkovic.com Public Licence
Version 1.1,
8. June 2004
The terms and conditions as defined in this document shall be referred to
as Licence.
The work of authorship, in any form, made available under
the Licence shall be referred to as Work.
The author of the Work shall be referred to as I.
An individual or a legal entity exercising the Licence shall be referred
to as You.
Except where stated otherwise, all substantial portions of the Work are
Copyright © Igor Zlatković. All rights reserved.
Subject to the terms and conditions stated in the Licence,
I hereby grant You the permission, free of charge, to use the Work as
You please, including, without limitation, the permission to use,
reproduce, modify, distribute, publish, sublicence and sell copies
of the Work,
provided that You meet the following conditions:
- You may never take an action that might restrict my rights to
use the Work, or any portion thereof, free of charge,
without limitation.
- You shall include the above copyright notice in all copies,
substantial portions and derivatives of the Work.
The Work is provided "as-is".
I hereby disclaim all kinds of warranties, express or implied, including
but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and
fitness for a particular purpose.
You are solely responsible for determining
the apropriateness of using the Work and You assume every risk associated
with Your use of the Work.
In no event and under no theory shall I be liable for any incidental,
consequential or punitive damages or losses,
whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,
arising out of Your use of the Work, even if I have been advised about the
possibility of such damages.
You agree to indemnify and hold me harmless from any claim or demand,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any party due to or
arising out of Your use of the Work.
The Licence does not grant You permission to use my name, trademarks,
service marks, or product names, except as required for reasonable and
customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the above
copyright notice.